Fabrication Process of an Artificial Eye

Ocular Prosthetics/Scleral Shells
Fabrication of the custom ocular prosthesis requires 3 days time.
The first day an impression is taken of the enucleated socket and the artificial eye is custom fit.
The second and third day the prosthesis is custom painted to match that of the companion eye and the third day is to make final adjustments. In addition, you are instructed on the care and placement of the prosthesis.
Following a ten day period, further adjustments to the prosthesis can be made due to changes that occur.
Following placement of the prosthesis, we request that you return in a week to 10 days for any additional adjustments or revisions the artificial eye may need as there is a certain amount of ‘settling in’ that occurs due to further healing or space gained.

Scleral shell prostheses require one extra day for fabrication. Fabrication of a clear trial lens is undertaken for you to wear for 2 weeks prior to fabrication of the final lens. This procedure (trial lens) is to establish (1) that you can wear a shell comfortably, (2) to build up wearing times, (3) to stretch any contracted tissue. Following a ten day period, further adjustments to the prosthesis are accomplished due to changes that occur. We advise you to have your ocular prosthesis polished once a year or sooner if needed.

Fabrication of increasingly larger conformers to stimulate orbital and soft tissue growth in children with the absence of or microphthalmic eye. Inquire for additional facts.

In addition to ocular prosthetics, we also fabricate maxillo-facial prostheses. This procedure is performed following an exeneration. This procedure may take 8 to 10 days time, and involves the fabrication of the facial prosthesis and an artificial eye.